Saturday, 17 December 2016


CORROLESS CCI 400       

 A blend of waxes and vapour phase corrosion inhibitor (VCI), developed for outdoor use under aggressive conditions. This product is also available in  aerosol cans as CCI 400A, when volume solids, drying times etc. may vary from values given in the data sheet.

PRODUCTS                        : Works by both contact and vapour phase inhibition
FEATURES AND                : Suitable for application onto damp surfaces
RECOMMENDED              : Gives up to 4 years protection depending on environment
USES                                     : Easily removed and recoated
                                             : Applications include equipment, void spaces, structural steel, winches,
                                               wire ropes, cranes, box sections etc.

Volume Solids (+2%)       : 55 %
Specific gravity                 : 0.9kg/litre
Film thickness                   : Wet Film 182 Microns.                 Dry Film 100 Microns
Mixing Ratio                      : Single pack
Theoretical Coverage     : 5.5m²/litre. Practical coverage rate can vary depending on application                                                    method, temperature, profile and porosity of the substrate.
Pot Life (at 18⁰C)             : Not Applicable
Drying Time (at 18⁰C)     : Dries to a wax finish in 24 hours.
(at recommended dft)
Thinners and
Cleaning Solvent              : Corroless Thinners No 2. (Solvent Gun Wash may be used for cleaning only)
Finish                                  : Dull wax
Colours                               : Semi-translucent light brown
Storage                               : Store in dry, cool conditions and protect from frost.

CORROLESS CCI 400       


Recommended substrate             Steel and most metallic substrates

Surface Preparation                    
 No special surface preparation is required, but the cleaner the substrate, the more effective will be protection achieved from the product. For the best results degrease using a water soluble            degreaser and prepare heavily corroded steel surfaces using rust  scrapers, wire brushes, needle guns, etc. to St2 standard of EN ISO 8501-1: 1988 or equivalent. wash down with fresh water and allow  to dry prior to application.
For clean surfaces (e.g. production components, machinery casings etc) degrease using a water soluble degreaser to remove dirt and  oil/grease deposits and allow to dry prior to application.


Airless Spray
Conventional Spray
Output Fluid Pressure
3000 psi
Yes- thinking required
Tip Size
13-17 thou
Fan angle

Spray                                                 For conventional spray up to 10% Corroless Thinners No 2                                                                    should be added

Brush                                                 Apply unthinned, lay on, do not over brush

Mixing                                               Stir thoroughly before use

Application Temperature                2⁰C to 35⁰C

Ambient Conditions                       Only apply in conditions of good ventilation, which should be                                                           maintained during drying. Do not apply when rain, sleet or snow                                                           are imminent. During application and drying time the Relative                                                                Humidity should not exceed 85% and the steel temperature                                                                    should remain at  least 3⁰C above the dew point.

Stripe coat                                        Stripe coat all sharp edges, bolts, rivets, welds etc

Flash Point                                        32⁰C to 55⁰C

Health and safety                           At all times observe precautionary notices on containers.